Document INDEX

1.  Letter and Documents sent to Commissioners 08/30/2024

2. July 4, 2024 Letter to Friends of Franklin County, Texas

3. B.F. Hicks' speech to the River Authorities Panel of the Texas Water Conservation Association, Fall Conference, San Antonio, Texas November 2, 2023 - revised for Paris, Texas - 1/23/2024 (adapted/updated 03/02/2024)

4  USDA Letter written by B.F. Hicks in May 2023

5.  An Open Letter to Franklin County Commissioners, Franklin County, Texas; A plea for public release of the county solar study commission report of June 2023

6. Correspondence between Susan Olsen and County Officials

7. Solar Commission "Preliminary" Report submitted to the County in June 2023.

8. How to Organize a Resistance to Solar or Wind Developments (link!&&p=38d6b6463825e9f4JmltdHM9MTcxMzM5ODQwMCZpZ3VpZD0xNTAzYzIwNS0xZGI3LTY0YTEtMjFmOS1kNjE0MWNlMDY1YzUmaW5zaWQ9NTIwNQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1503c205-1db7-64a1-21f9-d6141ce065c5&psq=how+to+orgainize+a+resistance+to+solar+or+wind+development&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ub3NvbGFyd2luZC5jb20vbmV3cy83L0hvdy10by1Pcmdhbml6ZS1hLVJlc2lzdGFuY2UtdG8tU29sYXItb3ItV2luZC1EZXZlbG9wbWVudHM&ntb=1 



Miscellaneous Document - Letter to PUCT dated December 12, 2024 - Letter 7

Oncor is cooperating in solar farm construction in Franklin County, Texas by working on transmission lines to transmit the power from the solar panels into the Dallas market; helping foreign developers and planning to recover expenses thru rate payer fees and Texas credits. Complain to the PUC and refer to PUC control number 35077. Dallas consumers need to use natural gas production and nuclear power and stop destroying land, water and nature in Northeast Texas. Slow the spread of the heavy footprint left by unreliable wind and solar; stop destroying our lands.



Miscellaneous Document - December 4, 2024 Correspondence to PUCT - Letter 6



1.  08/30/2024 - Letter and Documents send to Franklin County Commissioners 





2. July 4, 2024 Letter to Friends of Franklin County, Texas




3.    B.F. Hicks' speech to the River Authorities Panel of the Texas Water Conservation Association, Fall Conference, San Antonio, Texas November 2, 2023 - revised for Paris, Texas - 1/23/2024 (adapted/updated 03/02/2024)

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USDA Letter Pdf
PDF – 58.3 KB 82 downloads

4.    B.F. Hicks wrote the USDA in May 2023 with concerns regarding solar and wind installations taking over vast areas of land out of production.


In January 2024 we have a response.  Farmers can now get money from USDA to adopt rural renewable energy products.  Fine.


So check out the attached above USDA letter.  We have the USDA saying they have scheduled listening sessions.  The United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development. 


Please call Andy Berke – rural utilities service.  202-720-9540.


If farmers want to install small systems – say up to 10MW; great.  That might cover an acre or so.  But keep the benefits for American farmers owning American land.  Stop foreign ownership.  Stop paying out tax credits and giving subsidies to foreign developers destroying our land with huge industrial installations. 


The USDA says they will listen.  Fine:  we must not pass up this chance to let them hear the voices of rural America.


Stop the tax subsidies and credits which are fueling this mass destruction of rural land.  Field and forest and habitat for nature. We may meet some climate goal but if we destroy the natural world to save humanity what remains.  Support nuclear development and our oil and gas industry.  Reduce the heavy footprint of wind and solar and the destruction following transmission easements needed to deliver the power from rural America to cities.


The USDA must not advocate for turbine blades that shred and poison the land, or for panels that break and release cadmium, lead, arsenic and other toxic chemicals, poisoning livestock and man.


We need regulation of this industry.  We are past private property rights arguments.  An 800 foot tall windmill casts a huge shadow on the neighbor’s land.  And we don’t begin to know what problems follow installations of  millions of panels.   These installations endanger and harm neighboring land.  This is an infringement on all our rights.  Call Andrew Berke with the USDA.  Write him.  Yes, he needs to listen to all of America.  We cannot survive the footprint that these renewable installations are planting; stop this madness now.


This plea comes from rural Franklin County, Texas, but it is true for all of America.  Please share our plea to call on Mr. Berke, leaders with the USDA and leaders in state capitals and in Washington.     



5.   An Open Letter to Franklin County Commissioners, Franklin County, Texas; A plea for public release of the county solar study commission report of June 2023

6.    Correspondence between Susan Olsen and County Officials

5.  Solar Commission "Preliminary" Report submitted to the County in June 2023.




Preliminary Report And Findings
PDF – 3.1 MB 125 downloads